Friday, July 15, 2011
The Zeroth Article of Faith
Ontological Frameworks

Thursday, July 7, 2011
The Most Fundamental Premise of Mormon Theology
The most fundamental premise of traditional Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is that reality is contingent upon God. This means that consciousness (God) has primacy over reality. What does primacy mean? It means that something comes first. In this case God comes first and then reality comes second. God created reality "Ex Nihilo" meaning 'out of nothing'. According to this assumption, God can change the laws of the universe and the laws of morality. This view assumes that God has complete omnipotence to do whatever He wants.
The Greek Pagan religions assumed the opposite. They believed that God was contingent upon reality. In their system of belief, reality has primacy over consciousness (the gods). The gods could only do their work within reality. They could not change the laws of the universe. In other words, they were not omnipotent but subject to reality.
Eastern religions in general assume both premises. They believe that God is the universe and that we are all part of God. God has primacy and reality has primacy. They generally accept contradictory premises.
Where does Mormon Theology fit in?
Mormons agree with the Greeks! Reality has primacy over consciousness. God is contintingent upon reality. This is why traditional Christianity thinks that Mormons worship a different God. It is because we do! The Mormon conception of God is very different from traditional Christianity (which was influenced by Platonism).
According to Mormon theology, there is no such thing as immaterial matter (D&C 131:7-8). Therefore God is made of matter. He cannot create or destroy matter. He cannot create or destroy intelligence. He can learn of what reality is like and work within the constraints of natural laws (D&C 93: 29–34). This belief assumes the primacy of reality over God.
The glory of God is intelligence (D&C 93:36). According to traditional Christianity, the glory of God is His power. Now if God really has all power to do whatever He wants, then intelligence and knowledge is meaningless. God would not have to know anything since He could just will things to be however He wishes. He would not need knowledge about gravity for instance since He could just will it to cease existing. In Mormon theology God's power comes from His intelligence. He has all power that can be had—in other words He can do whatever can be done within the constraints of eternal laws because He perfectly understands the eternal laws.
If we assume that consciousness has primacy over reality, then it follows that intelligences do not follow eternal unchanging laws but are laws unto themselves. This is the goal of Satan. He seeks not to be governed by law, but seeketh to become a law unto himself. In other words, he wants to choose how to act and he wants to choose the consequences of his actions (D&C 88:34-39). Satan did not seek to take away our agency by forcing us to conform to reality. He sought to take away our agency by taking away the consequences of choices. Therefore the fundamental falsehood of the great apostasy is the belief that God is a law unto himself—in other words, that God's nature is the same as what Satan desires but can never have.
The scriptures say that the great and abominable church was founded by Satan (1 Ne 13:6). That church is comprised of traditional Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Each rests on the premise that God is a law unto himself. All other beliefs rest on this premise. If you change this foundation—the rock of reality—then you pervert all other beliefs of the gospel. What more cunning thing could Satan do to cause confusion than to turn the fundamental premises of the true church upside down?