Wednesday, March 31, 2010

D&C 93:1

This verse has always been meaningful to me. Those who follow these steps will see Christ.
(Organizational numbers added)

"VERILY, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who

1. forsaketh his sins
2. and cometh unto me,
3. and calleth on my name,
4. and obeyeth my voice,
5. and keepeth my commandments,

* shall see my face and know that I am;"

(1-5) are the conditions
(*) is the promise

How does one forsake his sins?
• Through faith in the Atonement
• Repentance
• Seeking virtuous things(Article of Faith 13) to replace the unvirtuous things in our life

How does one come unto Christ?
• Studying his words
• Consistently striving to become like him

How does one call on Christ's name?
• Deep and thoughtful prayer

How do we obey Christ's voice?
• Obtain his voice through revelation
• Follow those feelings and thoughts consistently

How do we keep Christ's commandments?
• Learn the commandments through reading the scriptures to understand what they are
• Set goals to internalize the most personally difficult commandments

I will add to this list later...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Gavin, I really like how straightforward you put the promise and conditions in this verse. You helped answer some questions of mine, thank you. :)
